atomdb.base module

Copyright (c) 2018-2022, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE.text, distributed with this software.

Created on Jun 12, 2018

class atomdb.base.JSONModel[source]

Bases: atomdb.base.Model

A simple model that can be serialized to json. Useful for embedding within other models.

objects: ClassVar[atomdb.base.ModelManager]

Handles database access. Subclasses should redefine this.

serializer: ClassVar[atomdb.base.ModelSerializer] = <atomdb.base.JSONSerializer object>

Handles encoding and decoding. Subclasses should redefine this to a subclass of ModelSerializer

class atomdb.base.JSONSerializer[source]

Bases: atomdb.base.ModelSerializer

flatten(v: Any, scope: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None)[source]

Flatten date, datetime, time, decimal, and bytes as a dict with a __py__ field and arguments to reconstruct it. Also see the coercers

flatten_object(obj: atomdb.base.Model, scope: Dict[int, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Flatten to just json but add in keys to know how to restore it.

async get_object_state(obj: Any, state: Dict[str, Any], scope: Dict[int, Any])[source]

State should be contained in the dict


Store all registered models

class atomdb.base.Model[source]

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

An atom model that can be serialized and deserialized to and from a database.

async delete()[source]

Alias to delete this object in the database

async load()[source]

Alias to load this object from the database

objects: ClassVar[atomdb.base.ModelManager]

Handles database access. Subclasses should redefine this.

async classmethod restore(state: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) atomdb.base.M[source]

Restore an object from the database state

async save()[source]

Alias to delete this object to the database

serializer: ClassVar[atomdb.base.ModelSerializer] = <atomdb.base.ModelSerializer object>

Handles encoding and decoding. Subclasses should redefine this to a subclass of ModelSerializer

class atomdb.base.ModelManager[source]

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

A descriptor so you can use this somewhat like Django’s models. Assuming your using motor.



Used to access the database

classmethod instance() atomdb.base.ModelManager[source]
class atomdb.base.ModelMeta(name, bases, dct)[source]

Bases: atom.atom.AtomMeta

class atomdb.base.ModelSerializer[source]

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

Handles serializing and deserializing of Model subclasses. It will automatically save and restore references where present.


Mapping of type name to coercer function

flatten(v: Any, scope: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None) Any[source]

Convert Model objects to a dict

v: Object

The object to flatten

scope: Dict

The scope of references available for circular lookups

result: Object

The flattened object

flatten_object(obj: atomdb.base.Model, scope: Dict[int, Any]) Any[source]

Serialize a model for entering into the database

obj: Model

The object to unflatten

scope: Dict

The scope of references available for circular lookups

result: Object

The flattened object

async get_object_state(obj: atomdb.base.Model, state: Any, scope: Dict[int, Any]) Any[source]

Lookup the state needed to restore the given object id and class.

obj: Model

The object created by get_or_create

state: Dict

Unflattened state of object to restore

scope: Dict

Scope of objects available when flattened

result: Any

The model state needed to restore this object

async get_or_create(cls: Type[atomdb.base.Model], state: Any, scope: Dict[int, Any]) Tuple[atomdb.base.Model, bool][source]

Get a cached object for this _id or create a new one. Subclasses should override this as needed to provide object caching if desired.

cls: Class

The type of object expected

state: Dict

Unflattened state of object to restore

scope: Dict

Scope of objects available when flattened

result: Tuple[object, bool]

A tuple of the object and a flag stating if it was created or not.

classmethod instance() atomdb.base.ModelSerializer[source]

Store all registered models

async unflatten(v: Any, scope: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None) Any[source]

Convert dict or list to Models

v: Dict or List

The object(s) to unflatten

scope: Dict

The scope of references available for circular lookups

result: Object

The unflattened object

async unflatten_object(cls: Type[atomdb.base.Model], state: Dict[str, Any], scope: Dict[int, Any]) Optional[atomdb.base.Model][source]

Restore the object for the given class, state, and scope. If a reference is given the scope should be updated with the newly created object using the given ref.

cls: Class

The type of object expected

state: Dict

The state of the object to restore

result: object or None

A the newly created object (or an existing object if using a cache) or None if this object does not exist in the database.

exception atomdb.base.UnresolvableError(member)[source]

Bases: Exception

Error raised when a Forwarded Member cannot be resolved at the time when the resolve_member_types is called.

atomdb.base.find_subclasses(cls: Type[atomdb.base.T]) List[Type[atomdb.base.T]][source]

Finds subclasses of the given class

atomdb.base.generate_function(source: str, namespace: Dict[str, Any], fn_name: str, optimize: bool = True) Callable[[...], Any][source]

Generate an optimized function

source: str

The function source code

namespaced: dict

Namespace available to the function

fn_name: str

The name of the generated function.

fn: function

The function generated.

atomdb.base.generate_getstate(cls: Type[atomdb.base.Model]) Callable[[atomdb.base.M, Optional[Dict[int, Any]]], Dict[str, Any]][source]

Generate an optimized __getstate__ function for the given model.

cls: Type[Model]

The clase to generate a getstate function for.

result: GetStateFn

A function optimized to generate the state for the given model class.

atomdb.base.generate_restorestate(cls: Type[atomdb.base.Model]) Callable[[atomdb.base.M, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[int, Any]]], None][source]

Generate an optimized __restorestate__ function for the given model.

cls: Type[Model]

The clase to generate a getstate function for.

result: RestoreStateFn

A function optimized to restore the state for the given model class.

atomdb.base.getrandbits(k) x.  Generates an int with k random bits.
atomdb.base.is_db_field(m: atom.catom.Member) bool[source]

Check if the member should be saved into the database. Any member that does not start with an underscore, is not a Property, and is not tagged with store=False is considered to be field to save into the database.

m: Member

The atom member to check.

result: bool

Whether the member should be saved into the database.

atomdb.base.is_primitive_member(m: atom.catom.Member) Optional[bool][source]

Check if the member can be serialized without calling flatten. If the member references a field that is not yet resolved it returns None indicating that it cannot determine whether it is primitive yet.

m: Member

The atom member to check.

result: Optional[bool]

Whether the member is a primitive type that can be intrinsicly converted.

atomdb.base.resolve_member_types(member: atom.catom.Member, resolve: bool = True) Optional[Tuple[type, ...]][source]

Determine the validation types specified on a member.

member: Member

The member to retrieve the type from

resolve: bool

Whether to resolve “Forward” members.

types: Optional[Tuple[Model|Member|type, ..]]

The member types. If types is None then the member does not do any type validation.


If resolve=False and the member has a nested forwarded member this will raise an UnresolvableError with the unresolved member.