Parts list


A free and open source android app for managing electronic parts.


Barcode Scanner

Simply scan the QR codes of your parts to import them. It works with many vendors.

After parts are used, scan the part again to open it and edit the inventory.

Barcode scanned list
Part editor

Import / edit part data

Once an MPN is added it can be imported from the parts supplier. Including a product image, datasheet url, and the quantity.

Part Search

Search parts by the MPN, description, or manufacturer. Use a , or and to drill down. Prefix with mpn:, mfg:, desc: or sku: to filter on a specific field.

Part Export

The database can be exported (as sqlite) to be used with external inventory systems.

Part search

You can clone it build it from source or download a pre-packaged version from the link above.

Now available on F-Droid!

Thanks for looking!