Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on June 21, 2017
- enamlnative.core.bridge.REGISTRY: dict[str, 'BridgeObject'] = {'': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, 'android.content.Context': <class ''>, 'android.content.Intent': <class ''>, 'android.content.IntentFilter': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.Sensor': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.SensorManager': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbConfiguration': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbManager': <class ''>, 'android.hardware.usb.UsbRequest': <class ''>, 'android.location.LocationListener': <class ''>, 'android.location.LocationManager': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, 'android.os.Handler': <class ''>, 'android.os.HandlerThread': <class ''>, 'android.os.VibrationEffect': <class ''>, 'android.os.Vibrator': <class ''>, 'android.util.AttributeSet': <class ''>, 'android.view.View': <class ''>, 'android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams': <class ''>, 'android.view.Window': <class ''>, 'android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager': <class ''>, 'android.widget.ImageView': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, '$Builder': <class ''>, '': <class ''>, 'com.bumptech.glide.Glide': <class ''>, 'com.bumptech.glide.RequestBuilder': <class ''>, 'com.bumptech.glide.RequestManager': <class ''>, 'com.codelv.enamlnative.EnamlActivity': <class ''>, 'com.codelv.enamlnative.adapters.BridgeBroadcastReceiver': <class ''>, 'java.lang.Object': <class ''>, 'java.util.ArrayList': <class ''>, 'java.util.HashMap': <class ''>, 'java.util.concurrent.Executor': <class ''>, 'java.util.concurrent.Executors': <class ''>}¶
Mapping of nativeclass str to subclasses
- enamlnative.core.bridge.convert_arg(arg: Any) Optional[str] [source]¶
Convert an argument to a string
- enamlnative.core.bridge.get_object_with_id(id)[source]¶
Get the object with the given id in the cache
- enamlnative.core.bridge.get_app_class()[source]¶
Avoid circular import. Probably indicates a poor design…
- enamlnative.core.bridge.msgpack_encoder(sig, obj)[source]¶
When passing a BridgeObject encode it in a special way so it can properly be interpreted as a reference.
TODO: This should use the object hooks for doing this automatically
- exception enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeReferenceError[source]¶
This exception occurs when an event comes in from the bridge and python does not have any reference in the cache.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- exception enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeException[source]¶
This exception occurs when a remote method call fails.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- enamlnative.core.bridge.get_handler(ptr: int, method: str) tuple [source]¶
Dereference the pointer and return the handler method.
- class enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeObject(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A proxy to a class in java. This sends the commands over the bridge for execution. The object is stored in a map with the given id and is valid until this object is deleted.
- Parameters
__id__ (Int, Future, or None) –
If an __id__ keyword argument is passed during creation, then
If the __id__ is an int, this will assume the object was already created and only a reference to the object with the given id is needed.
If the __id__ is a Future (as specified by the app event loop), then the __id__ of he future will be used. When the future completes this object will then be put into the cache. This allows passing results directly instead of using the .then() method.
- class enamlnative.core.bridge.NestedBridgeObject(root, attr, **kwargs)[source]¶
A nested object allows you to invoke methods and set properties of an object that is a property of another object using the dot notation.
Useful for setting nested properties without needing to first create a reference bridge object (thus saving the time waiting for the bridge to reply) for example:
- UIView view = [UIView new]; = YES;
Would require to create a reference to the “yoga” object first but instead we just add our nested object’s prefix and let the bridge resolve the actual property. It works like a regular BridgeObject but appends the “name’.
This object is NOT in the cache on either side of the bridge.
- class enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeMethod(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A method that is callable via the bridge. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in native code.
#: Define it class View(BridgeObject):
addView = BridgeMethod(‘android.view.View’)
#: Create instance view = View() view2 = View()
#: Use it view.addView(view2)
- suppressed(obj: enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeObject)[source]¶
Suppress calls within this context to avoid feedback loops
- class enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeStaticMethod(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A method that is callable via the bridge. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in native code.
#: Define it class Toast(BridgeObject):
makeToast = BridgeStaticMethod(*args)
#: Use result = Toast.makeToast(*args)
- class enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeField(arg)[source]¶
Allows you to set fields or properties over the bridge using normal python syntax.
#: Define it class View(BridgeObject):
width = BridgeField(‘int’)
#: Create instance view = View()
#: Set field view.width = 200
- class enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeCallback(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Description of a callback method of a View (or subclass) in Objc or Java. When called,it fires the connected callback. If no callback is connected it will try to lookup a default callback implementation matching the name _impl_<name>. If that does not exist, it will simply do nothing.
This is triggered when it receives an event from the bridge indicating the call has occurred.
#: Define it class View(BridgeObject):
onClick = BridgeCallback()
#: Create instance view = View()
- def on_click():
#: Connect to callback view.onClick.connect(on_click)
You can define a “default” callback implementation by implementing the method with name of _impl_<name>. Connecting a callback will override this behavior.
#: Define it class LocationManager(BridgeObject):
hashCode = BridgeCallback()
- def _impl_hashCode(self):
return self.__id__
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Java Bridge¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on June 21, 2017
- enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeMethod, args: tuple, encoder=<function msgpack_encoder>)[source]¶
Common function for packing method arguments.
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Java. When called, this serializes call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Java.
- pack_args(obj: enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeObject, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subclasses should implement this to pack args as needed for the native bridge implementation. Must return a tuple containing (“methodName”, [list, of, encoded, args])
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
- pack_args(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subclasses should implement this to pack args as needed for the native bridge implementation. Must return a tuple containing (“methodName”, [list, of, encoded, args])
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class[source]¶
The superclass implementation is sufficient but extend for possible future modification.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Description of a callback method of a View (or subclass) in Java. When called, it fires the connected callback. This is triggered when it receives an event from the bridge indicating the call has occured.
- pack_args(obj: enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeObject, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subclasses should implement this to pack args as needed for the native bridge implementation. Must return a tuple containing (“methodName”, [list, of, encoded, args])
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A proxy to a class in java. This sends the commands over the bridge for execution. The object is stored in a map with the given id and is valid until this object is deleted.
- Parameters
__id__ (Int) – If an __id__ keyward argument is passed during creation, this will assume the object was already created and only a reference to the object with the given id is needed.
- hashCode¶
A callback with an implementation built in
- class Optional[enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeObject] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶
A bridge object that creates a Proxy for the given ref. This should NOT be given any JavaMethods or JavaFields, however JavaCallbacks are fine.
These are generally throw away usages. Only save them if you need to use them as a reference later (such as when removing a listener).
- Parameters
ref (JavaBridgeObject) – The bridge object that should receive all of the callbacks invocations. If none is given it will send them to the proxy itself.
- __init__(ref: Optional[enamlnative.core.bridge.BridgeObject] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Sends the event to create this View in Java
Objective-C Bridge¶
Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on June 21, 2017
- class enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
The first argument, if any, should be a string.
Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
- pack_args(obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Arguments must be packed according to the kwargs passed and the signature defined.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty(arg)[source]¶
The superclass implementation is sufficient
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Description of a callback method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, it fires the connected callback. This is triggered when it receives an event from the bridge indicating the call has occured.
- class enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcBridgeObject(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A proxy to a class in java. This sends the commands over the bridge for execution. The object is stored in a map with the given id and is valid until this object is deleted.
- Parameters
__id__ (Int) – If an __id__ keyward argument is passed during creation, this will assume the object was already created and only a reference to the object with the given id is needed.