Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on July 24, 2017


from atom.api import Int, Typed, Instance
from enamlnative.widgets.activity import ProxyActivity
from .android_content import Context, Intent
from .android_view import View
from .android_window import Window
from .android_utils import HashMap
from .bridge import JavaCallback, JavaMethod

class Activity(Context):
    """Access to the activity over the bridge"""

    #: As long as the user subclasses the EnamlActivity
    #: everything in this class will work
    __nativeclass__ = "com.codelv.enamlnative.EnamlActivity"

    #: ID of -1 is a special reference on the bridge to the activity.
    __id__ = Int(-1)

    ORIENTATIONS = ("square", "portrait", "landscape")

    #: Tracing methods
    startTrace = JavaMethod(str)
    stopTrace = JavaMethod(str)
    resetBridgeStats = JavaMethod()
    resetBridgeCache = JavaMethod()

    setView = JavaMethod(View)
    showLoading = JavaMethod(str)
    setActionBar = JavaMethod("android.widget.Toolbar")
    setSupportActionBar = JavaMethod("androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar")
    setContentView = JavaMethod(View)
    getWindow = JavaMethod(returns=Window)

    getSupportFragmentManager = JavaMethod(
    getBuildInfo = JavaMethod(returns=HashMap)

    #: Permissions
    checkSelfPermission = JavaMethod(str, returns=int)
    requestPermissions = JavaMethod(list[str], int)
    onRequestPermissionsResult = JavaCallback(int, list[str], list[int])

    #: Method added so we can listen externally
    setPermissionResultListener = JavaMethod(


    #: Activity results
    addActivityResultListener = JavaMethod(
    removeActivityResultListener = JavaMethod(
    onActivityResult = JavaCallback(int, int, Intent, returns=bool)

    #: Activity lifecycle listener
    addActivityLifecycleListener = JavaMethod(
    removeActivityLifecycleListener = JavaMethod(
    #: Called with the lifecycle state like 'pause', 'resume', etc...
    onActivityLifecycleChanged = JavaCallback(str)

    #: Back pressed listener
    addBackPressedListener = JavaMethod(
    removeBackPressedListener = JavaMethod(

    #: Called with the lifecycle state like 'pause', 'resume', etc...
    onBackPressed = JavaCallback(returns=bool)

    #: Back pressed listener
    addConfigurationChangedListener = JavaMethod(
    removeConfigurationChangedListener = JavaMethod(

    #: Called with the lifecycle state like 'pause', 'resume', etc...
    onConfigurationChanged = JavaCallback(HashMap)

[docs]class AndroidActivity(ProxyActivity): #: Reference to the activty widget = Typed(Activity) #: Default window id window = Typed(Window) #: View currently displayed view = Instance(View) def create_widget(self): self.widget = Activity(__id__=-1)
[docs] def init_widget(self): """Initialize on the first call""" #: Add a ActivityLifecycleListener to update the application state activity = self.widget activity.addActivityLifecycleListener(activity.getId()) activity.onActivityLifecycleChanged.connect(self.on_activity_lifecycle_changed) #: Add BackPressedListener to trigger the event activity.addBackPressedListener(activity.getId()) activity.onBackPressed.connect(self.on_back_pressed) #: Add ConfigurationChangedListener to trigger the event activity.addConfigurationChangedListener(activity.getId()) activity.onConfigurationChanged.connect(self.on_configuration_changed)
[docs] async def start(self): """Start the activity and retrieve the window id""" # NOTE: This does NOT inherit from the AndroidToolkitObject # so it must be initialized here self.create_widget() self.init_widget() activity = self.widget d = self.declaration info = d.build_info = await activity.getBuildInfo() d.dp = info["DISPLAY_DENSITY"] d.width = info["DISPLAY_WIDTH"] d.height = info["DISPLAY_HEIGHT"] d.orientation = Activity.ORIENTATIONS[info["DISPLAY_ORIENTATION"]] d.api_level = info["SDK_INT"] self.window = await activity.getWindow()
[docs] def activate_bottom_up(self): """Show the first child view of the window""" self.reload_view()
[docs] def child_added(self, child): super().child_added(child) if self.window is not None: self.reload_view()
def reload_view(self): activity = self.widget window = next(self.children()) view = self.view = next(window.child_widgets()) activity.setView(view) def show_loading(self, message): self.widget.showLoading(message)
[docs] def on_activity_lifecycle_changed(self, state): """Update the state when the android app is paused, resumed, etc.. Widgets can observe this value for changes if they need to react to app lifecycle changes. """ d = self.declaration d.state = state if state == "started": d.started() elif state == "paused": d.paused() elif state == "resumed": d.resumed() elif state == "stopped": d.stopped()
[docs] def on_back_pressed(self): """Fire the `back_pressed` event with a dictionary with a 'handled' key when the back hardware button is pressed If 'handled' is set to any value that evaluates to True the default event implementation will be ignored. """ d = self.declaration try: return bool(d.on_back_pressed()) except Exception as e:"Error handling back press: {e}") #: Must return a boolean or we will cause android to abort return True
[docs] def on_configuration_changed(self, config): """Handles a screen configuration change.""" self.width = config["width"] self.height = config["height"] self.orientation = Activity.ORIENTATIONS[config["orientation"]]