Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Jan 29, 2018

from atom.api import Typed
from enamlnative.widgets.bottom_sheet_dialog import ProxyBottomSheetDialog
from .android_dialog import AndroidDialog, Dialog

class BottomSheetDialog(Dialog):
    package = ""

    #: Simply uses a different class
    __nativeclass__ = f"{package}.BottomSheetDialog"

[docs]class AndroidBottomSheetDialog(AndroidDialog, ProxyBottomSheetDialog): """An Android implementation of an Enaml ProxyBottomSheetDialog.""" #: A reference to the widget created by the proxy. dialog = Typed(BottomSheetDialog) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """Create the underlying widget. A dialog is not a subclass of view, hence we don't set name as widget or children will try to use it as their parent. """ d = self.declaration self.dialog = BottomSheetDialog(self.get_context(),