Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on May 20, 2017

from atom.api import Typed
from enamlnative.widgets.radio_group import ProxyRadioGroup
from .android_linear_layout import AndroidLinearLayout, LinearLayout
from .bridge import JavaCallback, JavaMethod

class RadioGroup(LinearLayout):
    __nativeclass__ = "android.widget.RadioGroup"
    __signature__ = ["android.content.Context"]

    check = JavaMethod(int)
    clearCheck = JavaMethod()
    setOnCheckedChangeListener = JavaMethod(
    onCheckedChanged = JavaCallback("android.widget.RadioGroup", int)

[docs]class AndroidRadioGroup(AndroidLinearLayout, ProxyRadioGroup): """An Android implementation of an Enaml ProxyLinearLayout.""" #: A reference to the widget created by the proxy. widget = Typed(RadioGroup) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """Create the underlying widget.""" self.widget = RadioGroup(self.get_context())
[docs] def init_layout(self): """Set the checked state after all children have been populated. """ super().init_layout() d = self.declaration w = self.widget if d.checked: self.set_checked(d.checked) else: #: Check if any of the children have "checked = True" for c in d.children: if c.checked: d.checked = c w.setOnCheckedChangeListener(w.getId()) w.onCheckedChanged.connect(self.on_checked_changed)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OnCheckedChangeListener API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_checked_changed(self, group, checked_id): """Set the checked property based on the checked state of all the children """ d = self.declaration if checked_id < 0: with self.widget.clearCheck.suppressed(): d.checked = None return else: for c in self.children(): if c.widget.getId() == checked_id: with self.widget.check.suppressed(): d.checked = c.declaration return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProxyRadioGroup API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_checked(self, checked): """Properly check the correct radio button.""" if not checked: self.widget.clearCheck() else: #: Checked is a reference to the radio declaration #: so we need to get the ID of it rb = checked.proxy.widget if not rb: return self.widget.check(rb.getId())