Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017-2018, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Feb 11, 2018

import os
from asyncio import Future
from atom.api import Dict, List, Typed, Event, Value
from .android_content import (
from .android_utils import HashMap
from .bridge import JavaBridgeObject, JavaMethod

def find_library(lib: str) -> str:
    """Locate a library with of the given name"""
    lib_dir = os.environ["PY_LIB_DIR"]
    path = f"{lib_dir}/{lib}.so"
    if os.path.exists(path):
        return path
    return ""

def libusb_init(self, lib):
    """Patch pyusb's libusb1 backend to work on android"""
    from ctypes import POINTER, c_void_p, c_int, byref
    from usb.backend import IBackend, libusb1

    self.lib = lib
    self.ctx = c_void_p()
        _check = libusb1._check
        lib.libusb_wrap_sys_device.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(c_void_p)]
        lib.libusb_wrap_sys_device.restype = c_int
        lib.libusb_get_device.argtypes = [c_void_p]
        lib.libusb_get_device.restype = c_void_p

        _check(self.lib.libusb_set_option(None, NO_DEVICE_DISCOVERY, None))
        assert self.ctx
    except Exception as e:

def load_libusb():
    """Apply a patch to pyusb and load the libusb1 backend"""
    # Patch ctypes find_library to look in the correct location
    # import ctypes.util
    # ctypes.util.find_library = find_library

    # Patch the LibUSB init to disable device discovery
    from usb.backend import libusb1

    libusb1._LibUSB.__init__ = libusb_init
    return libusb1.get_backend(find_library)

class UsbEndpoint(JavaBridgeObject):
    __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint"
    getAddress = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getAttributes = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getDirection = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getEndpointNumber = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getInterval = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getMaxPacketSize = JavaMethod(returns=int)

class UsbInterface(JavaBridgeObject):
    __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface"
    getAlternateSetting = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getEndpoint = JavaMethod(int, returns=UsbEndpoint)
    getEndpointCount = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getId = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getInterfaceClass = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getInterfaceProtocol = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getInterfaceSubclass = JavaMethod(returns=int)
    getName = JavaMethod(returns=str)

class UsbConfiguration(JavaBridgeObject):
    __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbConfiguration"

class UsbRequest(JavaBridgeObject):
    __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbRequest"
    cancel = JavaMethod()
    close = JavaMethod()
    getClientData = JavaMethod(returns=object)
    getEndpoint = JavaMethod(returns=UsbEndpoint)
    initialize = JavaMethod(lambda: UsbDeviceConnection, UsbEndpoint)
    queue = JavaMethod("java.nio.ByteBuffer")
    setClientData = JavaMethod(object)

[docs]class UsbDevice(JavaBridgeObject): __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice" info = Dict() getDeviceName = JavaMethod(returns=str) getDeviceId = JavaMethod(returns=int) getInterface = JavaMethod(int, returns=UsbInterface) getConfiguration = JavaMethod(int, returns=UsbConfiguration)
[docs] def __del__(self): if UsbManager._instance and self.__id__ in UsbManager._instance.devices: return # Do not destroy super().__del__()
class UsbDeviceConnection(JavaBridgeObject): __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection" close = JavaMethod() getFileDescriptor = JavaMethod(returns=int) getSerial = JavaMethod(returns=str) claimInterface = JavaMethod(UsbInterface, bool, returns=bool) releaseInterface = JavaMethod(UsbInterface, returns=bool) setInterface = JavaMethod(UsbInterface, returns=bool) setConfiguration = JavaMethod(UsbConfiguration, returns=bool) bulkTransfer = JavaMethod(UsbEndpoint, "[B", int, int) bulkTransfer_ = JavaMethod(UsbEndpoint, "[B", int, int, int) getRawDescriptors = JavaMethod(returns="[B") requestWait = JavaMethod("long", returns=UsbRequest) # Internal ctypes handles so this can be used with pyusb devid = Value() handle = Value() async def acquire(self): """Acquire a pyusb device for this connection.""" from ctypes import c_void_p, byref from usb.core import Device from usb.backend import libusb1 fd = await self.getFileDescriptor() backend = load_libusb() self.handle = c_void_p() libusb1._check( backend.lib.libusb_wrap_sys_device(backend.ctx, fd, byref(self.handle)) ) self.devid = backend.lib.libusb_get_device(self.handle) dev = Device(self, backend) dev._ctx.handle = self # Already opened return dev class UsbAccessory(JavaBridgeObject): __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory"
[docs]class UsbManager(SystemService): """Use UsbManger.get().then(on_ready) to get an instance.""" __nativeclass__ = "android.hardware.usb.UsbManager" EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED = "permission" EXTRA_DEVICE = "device" ACTION_USB_PERMISSION = "com.codelv.enamlnative.USB_PERMISSION" ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED = "android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED" ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED = "android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED" ACTION_USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED = ( "android.hardware.usb.action.ACTION_USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED" ) ACTION_USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED = ( "android.hardware.usb.action.ACTION_USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED" ) SERVICE_TYPE = Context.USB_SERVICE getAccessoryList = JavaMethod(returns="android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory[") getDeviceList = JavaMethod(returns=HashMap) openAccessory = JavaMethod(UsbAccessory, returns="android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor") openDevice = JavaMethod(UsbDevice, returns=UsbDeviceConnection) hasPermission = JavaMethod(UsbDevice, returns=bool) requestPermission = JavaMethod(UsbDevice, PendingIntent) #: These names are changed to support both signatures hasPermission_ = JavaMethod(UsbAccessory, returns=bool) requestPermission_ = JavaMethod(UsbAccessory, PendingIntent) receiver = Typed(BroadcastReceiver) permission_intent = Typed(PendingIntent) pending_requests = List(Future) #: Hold references to devices devices = Dict(int, UsbDevice) #: You can listen for this device_attached = Event(UsbDevice) device_detached = Event(UsbDevice) def _default_receiver(self): return BroadcastReceiver.for_action( [ UsbManager.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION, UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED, UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED, ], self.on_device_action_received, single_shot=False, ) def _default_permission_intent(self): app = self.__app__ assert app is not None d = app.activity assert d is not None proxy = d.proxy assert proxy is not None activity = proxy.widget assert activity is not None intent = Intent(UsbManager.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION) intent_id = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(activity, 0, intent, 0) return PendingIntent(__id__=intent_id)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Overridden to make sure it's listening assert self.receiver is not None assert self.permission_intent is not None
[docs] async def on_device_action_received(self, ctx, intent: Intent): """Invoked when the receiver fires""" app = self.__app__ assert app is not None # The bridge sends the intent as a dict action = intent.action if action == UsbManager.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION: await self.on_device_permssion_result(ctx, intent) elif action == UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: await self.on_device_attached(ctx, intent) elif action == UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: await self.on_device_detached(ctx, intent)
async def on_device_permssion_result(self, ctx, intent: Intent): info = await intent.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE) allowed = await intent.getBooleanExtra( UsbManager.EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED, False ) try: if allowed and info: dev_id = info["id"] dev = self.devices.get(dev_id, None) if dev is None: dev = UsbDevice(__id__=dev_id, info=info) self.devices[dev_id] = dev for f in self.pending_requests: f.set_result(dev) else: err = PermissionError("Access to USB device denied") for f in self.pending_requests: f.set_exception(err) finally: self.clean_pending() async def on_device_attached(self, ctx, intent: Intent): info = await intent.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE) if info: dev_id = info["id"] dev = self.devices.get(dev_id, None) if dev is None: dev = UsbDevice(__id__=dev_id, info=info) self.devices[dev_id] = dev self.device_attached(dev) # type: ignore async def on_device_detached(self, ctx, intent: Intent): info = await intent.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE) if info: dev_id = info["id"] dev = self.devices.pop(dev_id, None) if dev is None: dev = UsbDevice(__id__=dev_id, info=info) self.device_detached(dev) # type: ignore def clean_pending(self): pending = self.pending_requests for f in pending[:]: if f.done(): try: pending.remove(f) except ValueError: pass async def request_permission(self, device: UsbDevice) -> bool: permission_intent = self.permission_intent assert permission_intent is not None app = self.__app__ assert app is not None f = app.create_future() self.pending_requests.append(f) self.requestPermission(device, permission_intent) return await f
[docs] async def get_devices(self) -> list[UsbDevice]: """Load devices and update the internal list. Since the bridge caches a reference here it important to not delete it until it detaches. """ devices = {} result = await self.getDeviceList() for info in result.values(): dev_id = info["id"] dev = self.devices.get(dev_id, None) if dev is None: dev = UsbDevice(__id__=dev_id, info=info) devices[dev_id] = dev self.devices = devices return list(self.devices.values())