Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on May 20, 2017
@author: jrm
from atom.api import Typed, set_default
from enamlnative.widgets.view_group import ProxyViewGroup
from .android_view import AndroidView, View, LayoutParams
from .bridge import JavaBridgeObject, JavaMethod
[docs]class ViewGroup(View):
__nativeclass__ = set_default('android.view.ViewGroup')
addViewWithParams = JavaMethod('android.view.View', 'int',
addView = JavaMethod('android.view.View', 'int')
removeView = JavaMethod('android.view.View')
setLayoutTransition = JavaMethod('android.animation.LayoutTransition')
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ViewGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams):
__nativeclass__ = set_default('android.view.ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams')
__signature__ = set_default(('int', 'int'))
setMargins = JavaMethod('int', 'int', 'int', 'int')
setLayoutDirection = JavaMethod('int')
[docs]class LayoutTransition(JavaBridgeObject):
__nativeclass__ = set_default('android.animation.LayoutTransition')
[docs]class AndroidViewGroup(AndroidView, ProxyViewGroup):
""" An Android implementation of an Enaml ProxyViewGroup.
#: A reference to the widget created by the proxy.
widget = Typed(ViewGroup)
#: Layout type
layout_param_type = set_default(MarginLayoutParams)
#: Default layout params
default_layout = set_default({
'width': 'match_parent',
'height': 'match_parent'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization API
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.widget = ViewGroup(self.get_context())
[docs] def init_layout(self):
""" Add all child widgets to the view
super(AndroidViewGroup, self).init_layout()
widget = self.widget
i = 0
for child in self.children():
child_widget = child.widget
if child_widget:
if child.layout_params:
widget.addViewWithParams(child_widget, i,
widget.addView(child_widget, i)
i += 1
# Force layout using the default params
if not self.layout_params:
[docs] def child_added(self, child):
""" Handle the child added event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses
which need more control should reimplement this method.
super(AndroidViewGroup, self).child_added(child)
widget = self.widget
#: TODO: Should index be cached?
for i, child_widget in enumerate(self.child_widgets()):
if child_widget == child.widget:
if child.layout_params:
widget.addViewWithParams(child_widget, i,
widget.addView(child_widget, i)
[docs] def child_moved(self, child):
""" Handle the child moved event from the declaration.
super(AndroidViewGroup, self).child_moved(child)
#: Remove and re-add in correct spot
[docs] def child_removed(self, child):
""" Handle the child removed event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses
which need more control should reimplement this method.
super(AndroidViewGroup, self).child_removed(child)
if child.widget is not None:
[docs] def set_transition(self, transition):
t = LayoutTransition() if transition == 'default' else None