Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on May 20, 2017

@author: jrm
from atom.api import Typed, set_default

from enamlnative.widgets.view_group import ProxyViewGroup

from .android_view import AndroidView, View, LayoutParams
from .bridge import JavaBridgeObject, JavaMethod

[docs]class ViewGroup(View): __nativeclass__ = set_default('android.view.ViewGroup') addViewWithParams = JavaMethod('android.view.View', 'int', 'android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams') addView = JavaMethod('android.view.View', 'int') removeView = JavaMethod('android.view.View') setLayoutTransition = JavaMethod('android.animation.LayoutTransition')
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ViewGroup.addViewWithParams.set_name('addView')
super(ViewGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams): __nativeclass__ = set_default('android.view.ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams') __signature__ = set_default(('int', 'int')) setMargins = JavaMethod('int', 'int', 'int', 'int')
setLayoutDirection = JavaMethod('int')
[docs]class LayoutTransition(JavaBridgeObject):
__nativeclass__ = set_default('android.animation.LayoutTransition')
[docs]class AndroidViewGroup(AndroidView, ProxyViewGroup): """ An Android implementation of an Enaml ProxyViewGroup. """ #: A reference to the widget created by the proxy. widget = Typed(ViewGroup) #: Layout type layout_param_type = set_default(MarginLayoutParams) #: Default layout params default_layout = set_default({ 'width': 'match_parent', 'height': 'match_parent' }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """ Create the underlying widget. """
self.widget = ViewGroup(self.get_context())
[docs] def init_layout(self): """ Add all child widgets to the view """ super(AndroidViewGroup, self).init_layout() widget = self.widget i = 0 for child in self.children(): child_widget = child.widget if child_widget: if child.layout_params: widget.addViewWithParams(child_widget, i, child.layout_params) else: widget.addView(child_widget, i) i += 1 # Force layout using the default params if not self.layout_params:
[docs] def child_added(self, child): """ Handle the child added event from the declaration. This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method. """ super(AndroidViewGroup, self).child_added(child) widget = self.widget #: TODO: Should index be cached? for i, child_widget in enumerate(self.child_widgets()): if child_widget == child.widget: if child.layout_params: widget.addViewWithParams(child_widget, i, child.layout_params) else:
widget.addView(child_widget, i)
[docs] def child_moved(self, child): """ Handle the child moved event from the declaration. """ super(AndroidViewGroup, self).child_moved(child) #: Remove and re-add in correct spot self.child_removed(child)
[docs] def child_removed(self, child): """ Handle the child removed event from the declaration. This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method. """ super(AndroidViewGroup, self).child_removed(child) if child.widget is not None:
[docs] def set_transition(self, transition): t = LayoutTransition() if transition == 'default' else None