Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Nov 29, 2017

@author: jrm
from atom.api import set_default
from .bridge import JavaBridgeObject, JavaMethod
from .android_view_group import ViewGroup, LayoutParams

[docs]class YogaNode(JavaBridgeObject): __nativeclass__ = set_default('') reset = JavaMethod() addChildAt = JavaMethod('', 'int') removeChildAt = JavaMethod('int', returns='') calculateLayout = JavaMethod('float', 'float') markLayoutSeen = JavaMethod() copyStyle = JavaMethod('') setDirection = JavaMethod('int') setFlexDirection = JavaMethod('int') setJustifyContent = JavaMethod('int') setAlignItems = JavaMethod('int') setAlignSelf = JavaMethod('int') setAlignContent = JavaMethod('int') setPositionType = JavaMethod('int') setWrap = JavaMethod('int') setOverflow = JavaMethod('int') setDisplay = JavaMethod('int') setFlex = JavaMethod('float') setFlexGrow = JavaMethod('float') setFlexShrink = JavaMethod('float') setFlexBasis = JavaMethod('float') setFlexBasisPercent = JavaMethod('float') setFlexBasisAuto = JavaMethod() setMargin = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setMarginPercent = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setMarginAuto = JavaMethod('int') setPadding = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setPaddingPercent = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setPaddingAuto = JavaMethod('int') setBorder = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setPosition = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setPositionPercent = JavaMethod('int', 'float') setWidth = JavaMethod('float') setWidthPercent = JavaMethod('float') setWidthAuto = JavaMethod() setHeight = JavaMethod('float') setHeightPercent = JavaMethod('float') setHeightAuto = JavaMethod() setMinWidth = JavaMethod('float') setMinWidthPercent = JavaMethod('float') setMinHeight = JavaMethod('float') setMinHeightPercent = JavaMethod('float') setMaxWidth = JavaMethod('float') setMaxWidthPercent = JavaMethod('float') setMaxHeight = JavaMethod('float') setMaxHeightPercent = JavaMethod('float')
setAspectRatio = JavaMethod('float')
[docs]class YogaLayoutParams(LayoutParams):
__nativeclass__ = set_default('$LayoutParams')
[docs]class YogaLayout(ViewGroup):
__nativeclass__ = set_default('')