Source code for enamlnative.widgets.activity

Copyright (c) 2022, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

from atom.api import Dict, Enum, Event, Float, ForwardTyped, Instance, Int, Typed
from enaml.application import Application
from enaml.core.declarative import d_, d_func
from enaml.widgets.toolkit_object import ProxyToolkitObject, ToolkitObject
from .window import Window

class ProxyActivity(ProxyToolkitObject):
    #: A reference to the Label declaration.
    declaration = ForwardTyped(lambda: Activity)

    async def start(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def show_loading(self, message: str):
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class Activity(ToolkitObject): #: Reference to the proxy proxy = Typed(ProxyActivity) #: Reference to the application app = Instance(Application) #: Activity lifecycle events started = d_(Event(), writable=False) paused = d_(Event(), writable=False) resumed = d_(Event(), writable=False) stopped = d_(Event(), writable=False) #: Activity lifecycle state must be set by the implementation state = Enum("created", "started", "paused", "resumed", "stopped", "destroyed") #: Pixel density of the device #: Loaded immediately as this is used often. dp = Float() #: Width of the screen in dp width = Float(strict=False) #: Height of the screen in dp height = Float(strict=False) #: Screen orientation orientation = Enum("portrait", "landscape", "square") #: Build info from #: build_info = Dict() #: SDK version #: Loaded immediately api_level = Int() async def start(self): """Start the activity.""" if not self.is_initialized: self.initialize() await self.proxy.start() if not self.proxy_is_active: super().activate_proxy() def show_loading(self, message: str): proxy = self.proxy assert proxy is not None proxy.show_loading(message) def _default_app(self): return Application.instance() @d_func def on_back_pressed(self) -> bool: """Override this to handle the back event""" return False @d_func def on_reload(self): """Override this to handle the back event""" pass def child_added(self, child): if isinstance(child, ToolkitObject) and not isinstance(child, Window): raise TypeError(f"An activity can only contain Windows, got: {child}") super().child_added(child)