Source code for enamlnative.widgets.popup_window
Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Mar 17, 2018
from atom.api import Bool, Coerced, Enum, Float, ForwardTyped, Str, Typed
from enaml.core.declarative import d_, observe
from enaml.widgets.toolkit_object import ProxyToolkitObject, ToolkitObject
from .view import coerce_gravity, coerce_size
class ProxyPopupWindow(ProxyToolkitObject):
"""The abstract definition of a proxy dialgo object."""
#: A reference to the Label declaration.
declaration = ForwardTyped(lambda: PopupWindow)
def set_height(self, height):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_width(self, width):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_x(self, x):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_y(self, y):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_position(self, position):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_focusable(self, enabled):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_touchable(self, enabled):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_outside_touchable(self, enabled):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_background_color(self, color):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_show(self, show):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_style(self, style):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_animation(self, style):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PopupWindow(ToolkitObject):
"""A popup window that may contain a view."""
#: Width and height or a string "match_parent" or "fill_parent"
width = d_(Coerced(int, coercer=coerce_size))
height = d_(Coerced(int, coercer=coerce_size))
#: Layout gravity
gravity = d_(Coerced(int, coercer=coerce_gravity))
#: Position
x = d_(Float(strict=False))
y = d_(Float(strict=False))
#: Set whether the popup window can be focused
focusable = d_(Bool())
#: Set whether the popup is touchable
touchable = d_(Bool(True))
#: Controls whether the pop-up will be informed of touch events outside
#: of its window.
outside_touchable = d_(Bool(True))
#: Start the popup and display it on screen (or hide if False)
show = d_(Bool())
#: Background color of the window (white by default)
background_color = d_(Str())
#: If relative, show as a dropdown on the parent view, otherwise
#: show at the position given by `x` and `y`.
position = d_(Enum("relative", "absolute"))
#: Animation style for the PopupWindow using the @style format
#: (ex. @style/MyAnimation
animation = d_(Str())
#: PopupWindow style using the @style format
#: (ex. @style/Theme_Light_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen
style = d_(Str())
#: A reference to the proxy object.
proxy = Typed(ProxyPopupWindow)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Observers
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _update_proxy(self, change):
[docs] def popup(self):
"""Show the window from code. This will initialize and activate
if needed.
>>> enamldef ContextMenu(PopupWindow): popup:
attr result: lambda text: None
text = "One"
clicked :: = False
text = "Two"
clicked :: = False
def on_result(value):
print("User clicked: {}".format(value))
This does NOT block. Callbacks should be used to handle click events
or the `show` state should be observed to know when it is closed.
if not self.is_initialized:
if not self.proxy_is_active:
self.activate_proxy() = True