
This is a short tutorial on getting started with enaml-native views.

Hello World

A new app will have two files. An activity.enaml and a view.enaml. The activity will import and load the MainWindow and render it's components.

from enamlnative.core.api import Window, Flexbox, TextView

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
        flex_direction = "column"
            text = "Hello world!"

The enamldef is just like the python class statement. You can subclass components and set attributes or add child components to them.

This doesn't really do anything so how about something more interesting.

Setting attributes

Most components can be customized when they are created, with different parameters.

For example, one basic component is the ImageView. When you create an image, you can use an attribute named src to control what image it shows.

from enamlnative.widgets.api import Window, Flexbox, ImageView

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
            src = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Bananavarieties.jpg"
            width = 193
            height = 110

Your own components can also use the attr keyword to define new members. This lets you make a single component that is used in many different places in your app, with slightly different attributes in each place. Here's an example

from enamlnative.widgets.api import Window, Flexbox, TextView

enamldef Greeting(TextView):
    attr name = ""
    text << f"Hello {name}"

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
        flex_direction = "column"
        align_items = "center"
            name = "Bob"
            name = "Jane"    
            name = "Angel"

Creating the Greeting subclass of the TextView and adding the attr name lets us customize the component with our own attributes. These attributes are stored within a component instance when it's added as child of another component.

Changing state

Attributes of components in enaml-native are stateful. Whenever an attribute is changed, enaml will update the UI automatically. This means you can update the UI by simply updating the value of an attributes.

from enaml.application import Application
from enamlnative.widgets.api import Window, Flexbox, TextView

enamldef Blink(TextView):
    #: Visible by default
    visible = True

    #: Called when component is activated
    activated :: blink()

    #: Blink and then schedule it to blink again
    func blink():
        # Toggle the visibility
        self.visible = not self.visible

        # Schedule blink again 1 second later
                app = Application.instance()
        app.timed_call(1000, blink)

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
        flex_direction = "column"
            text = "Python is cool"
           text = "But on mobile it's better"
           text = "And that's a wrap"

This will make the text of each "Blink" component flash on an off. There's also some more powerful ways to handle state changes, which we'll discuss shortly, but for now let's discuss what's going on here.

When the MainWindow is shown it walks down the tree activates all child components. Here we set a handler when the activated event occurs in the Blink component and have it call a function that toggles the visible attribute of the View.

The use of the func keyword is like def for defining a method in python. The difference is it will know the current component as self, and have access to the scope of the block it's in.

Enaml's application event loop provides the timed_call method which lets us schedule a function and it's parameters to be called later, like a timer. Here we schedule the blink function in a "scheduled" loop ever 1000ms.

Note: The built in event loop uses tornado's ioloop

Changing styles

Nearly all components in enaml-native subclass the basic View component which lets you customize the style by setting thebackground_color. Many components also subclass the TextView which lets you customize the common text properties of the component such as text_color, text_size, font_family, and font_style.

See TextView for a full list of attributes

Padding and margin

To add spacing around a component set the padding to a list of the [left, top, right, bottom] padding in dp units. When nested in a layout that supports it, you can also use margin in the same format.

Width and height

You can set the width and height to a specific number or tell it to match_parent or wrap_content. Setting one to wrap_content will make it use only the space needed in that dimension, while match_parent will fill up as much as it can.

When a component is nested in a Flexbox layout, the width and height can also be defined by using the flex_basis.

Handling events

Users interact with mobile apps mainly through touch. They can use a combination of gestures, such as tapping on a button, scrolling a list, or zooming on a map.

enaml-native exposes many of the events components receive allowing you to handle all sorts of common gestures, but the one component you will most likely be interested in is the basic Button.

from enamlnative.widgets.api import Window, Flexbox, Button

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
        flex_direction = "column"
        align_items = "center"
            text = "Press me"
                        # The "app" attr is defined on the MainActivity so it can be used from handlers
            clicked :: app.show_toast("You tapped the button!")

Pressing the button will trigger the "clicked" event, which will run handler we set in this case displays an popup message. The :: here signifies a notification block, which is just the handler code that will run when the event occurs.

If you like, you can specify a text_color to change the color of your button or set flat=True to make it render without the button border.


In some cases, the basic button doesn't look right for your app, you can build your own button by making any View clickable. This is done by setting clickable=True and then handling the clicked event like a regular Button.

from enamlnative.widgets.api import Window, Flexbox, Button

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
        flex_direction = "column"
        align_items = "center"
            clickable = True
            clicked :: app.show_toast("Row touched!")
            background_style = "?attr/selectableItemBackground" 
                text = "{fa-user}"
                text = "Touchable row"

Android: If you want to add a different touch animation you can change background_style = "?attr/selectableItemBackground" to your own animation.

Atom models

It's very common for UI's to follow the model view controller (MVC) pattern. The basic premise is that the data that your app displays should be represented by a "Model" and the UI is just one "View" into the Model. The controller's job is to handle the interactions between the two. Enaml provides some special python classes and operators to make this easy for you.

Say we wanted to make a simple Places's app display a list of places, and when one is selected it shows a page with more details. One way to do this would be to make a model for the app's state, and a model for the contact. Here's an example.

from atom.api import Atom, List, Bool, Range, Enum, Unicode, Instance

class Place(Atom):
    name = Unicode()
    address = Unicode()
    enabled = Bool()
    rating = Range(0, 5)

class AppState(Atom):
    places = List(Place)
    current_place = Instance(Place)
    current_screen = Enum('list', 'details')

The atom framework provides memory efficient constructs on top of python that help you model things in your app. It's somewhat similar to django's models in that it will provide type checking and has constructs for associating objects with each other. Let's see how this can be used.

from enamlnative.widgets.api import Window, Flexbox, TextView
from models import AppState, Place

#: Create a global instance of the state
#: this could also be made into a singleton
state = AppState()

enamldef PlaceDetails(Dialog):
    attr place: Place
        flex_direction = 'column'
            text << place.name
            text << place.address
                rating << place.rating
            flat = True
            text = "Back"
            clicked :: state.current_screen = 'list'

enamldef PlacesList(Flexbox):
    attr places = []
    flex_direction = "column"
        iterable << places
            attr place = loop_item
            clickable = True
            clicked :: 
                state.current_place = place
                state.current_screen = 'details'
                text << place.name

enamldef MainWindow(Window):
            places << state.places
            place << state.current_place
            show << state.current_screen == 'place_details'

Above, we could use the AppState class to store where the user is within the app. When an item is selected from the places list, we simply update our app state by setting the current_place to the one selected and update the current_screen to go to the "details" page.

Using a state model keeps everything organized in one place and easily let's us serialize it to push it to a server or save it locally in a file to be restored later.