Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017-2022, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Sept 21, 2017

from atom.api import Typed
from import AndroidToolkitObject
from import JavaBridgeObject, JavaCallback, JavaMethod
from enamlnative.widgets.dialog import ProxyDialog
from .android_content import Context
from .android_view import View

class Dialog(JavaBridgeObject):
    #: Show the view for the specified duration.
    __nativeclass__ = ""
    __signature__ = [Context, "android.R"]
    show = JavaMethod()
    dismiss = JavaMethod()
    setCancelable = JavaMethod(bool)
    setCanceledOnTouchOutside = JavaMethod(bool)
    setContentView = JavaMethod(View)
    setTitle = JavaMethod("java.lang.CharSequence")

    setOnDismissListener = JavaMethod(
    onDismiss = JavaCallback("")

    setOnCancelListener = JavaMethod("android.content.DialogInterface$OnCancelListener")
    onCancel = JavaCallback("")

    setOnKeyListener = JavaMethod("android.content.DialogInterface$OnKeyListener")
    onKey = JavaCallback("", int, "android.view.KeyEvent")

[docs]class AndroidDialog(AndroidToolkitObject, ProxyDialog): """An Android implementation of an Enaml ProxyDialog.""" #: A reference to the widget created by the proxy. dialog = Typed(Dialog) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """Create the underlying widget. A dialog is not a subclass of view, hence we don't set name as widget or children will try to use it as their parent. """ d = self.declaration self.dialog = Dialog(self.get_context(),
[docs] def init_widget(self): """Set the listeners""" w = self.dialog # Listen for events w.setOnDismissListener(w.getId()) w.onDismiss.connect(self.on_dismiss) w.setOnCancelListener(w.getId()) w.onCancel.connect(self.on_cancel) super().init_widget()
[docs] def init_layout(self): """If a view is given show it""" super().init_layout() #: Set the content for view in self.child_widgets(): self.dialog.setContentView(view) break #: Show it if needed d = self.declaration if self.set_show(
[docs] def child_added(self, child): """Overwrite the content view""" view = child.widget if view is not None: self.dialog.setContentView(view)
[docs] def destroy(self): """A reimplemented destructor that cancels the dialog before destroying. """ dialog = self.dialog if dialog: #: Clear the dismiss listener #: (or we get an error during the callback) dialog.setOnDismissListener(None) dialog.dismiss() del self.dialog super().destroy()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dialog API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_cancel(self, dialog): d = self.declaration with self.dialog.dismiss.suppressed(): = False def on_dismiss(self, dialog): d = self.declaration with self.dialog.dismiss.suppressed(): = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OnKeyListener API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_key(self, dialog, key, event): """Trigger the key event Parameters ---------- view: int The ID of the view that sent this event key: int The code of the key that was pressed data: bytes The msgpack encoded key event """ d = self.declaration r = {"key": key, "result": False} d.key_event(r) return r["result"]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProxyDialog API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_title(self, title): self.dialog.setTitle(title) def set_cancel_on_back(self, cancels): self.dialog.setCancelable(cancels) def set_cancel_on_touch_outside(self, cancels): self.dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(cancels) def set_key_events(self, enabled): self.dialog.setOnKeyListener(self.dialog.getId() if enabled else None) if enabled: self.dialog.onKey.connect(self.on_key) def set_show(self, show): if show: else: self.dialog.dismiss() def set_style(self, style): d = self.declaration if self.dialog.dismiss() #: Recreate dialog with new style self.create_widget() self.init_widget() self.init_layout()