Source code for enamlnative.ios.uikit_control

Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Aug 25, 2017

@author: jrm

from atom.api import Typed

from enamlnative.widgets.compound_button import ProxyCompoundButton

from .bridge import ObjcMethod, ObjcProperty, ObjcCallback
from .uikit_text_view import UITextView, UiKitTextView

[docs]class UIControl(UITextView): #: Properties enabled = ObjcProperty('bool') selected = ObjcProperty('bool') highlighted = ObjcProperty('bool') contentVerticalAlignment = ObjcProperty( 'UIControlContentVerticalAlignment') contentHorizontalAlignment = ObjcProperty( 'UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment') #setProgress = ObjcMethod('float', dict(animated='bool')) addTarget = ObjcMethod('id', dict(action="SEL"), dict(forControlEvents="enum"))#""UIControlEvents")) onClicked = ObjcCallback() #: UIControlEvents enum UIControlEventTouchDown = 1 << 0 UIControlEventTouchDownRepeat = 1 << 1 UIControlEventTouchDragInside = 1 << 2 UIControlEventTouchDragOutside = 1 << 3 UIControlEventTouchDragEnter = 1 << 4 UIControlEventTouchDragExit = 1 << 5 UIControlEventTouchUpInside = 1 << 6 UIControlEventTouchUpOutside = 1 << 7 UIControlEventTouchCancel = 1 << 8 UIControlEventValueChanged = 1 << 12 UIControlEventPrimaryActionTriggered = 1 << 13 UIControlEventEditingDidBegin = 1 << 16 UIControlEventEditingChanged = 1 << 17 UIControlEventEditingDidEnd = 1 << 18 UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit = 1 << 19 UIControlEventAllTouchEvents = 0x00000FFF UIControlEventAllEditingEvents = 0x000F0000 UIControlEventApplicationReserved = 0x0F000000 UIControlEventSystemReserved = 0xF0000000 UIControlEventAllEvents = 0xFFFFFFFF UIControlStateNormal = 0 UIControlStateHighlighted = 1 << 0 UIControlStateDisabled = 1 << 1 UIControlStateSelected = 1 << 2 UIControlStateFocused = 1 << 3 UIControlStateApplication = 0x00FF0000
UIControlStateReserved = 0xFF000000
[docs]class UiKitControl(UiKitTextView, ProxyCompoundButton): """ A UiKitControl helper class. """ #: A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy. widget = Typed(UIControl) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object. """
self.widget = UIControl()
[docs] def init_widget(self): """ Initialize the state of the toolkit widget. This method is called during the top-down pass, just after the 'create_widget()' method is called. This method should init the state of the widget. The child widgets will not yet be created. Note: This does NOT initialize text properties by default! """ super(UiKitControl, self).init_widget() d = self.declaration if d.clickable: #: A really ugly way to add the target #: would be nice if we could just pass the block pointer here :) self.get_app().bridge.addTarget( self.widget, forControlEvents=UIControl.UIControlEventTouchUpInside, andCallback=self.widget.getId(), usingMethod="onClicked", withValues=[] )
self.widget.onClicked.connect(self.on_clicked) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clicked API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_clicked(self): d = self.declaration