enamlnative.ios package¶
enamlnative.ios.app module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
@author jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Access ENBridge.m using ctypes.
Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1490039/ calling-objective-c-functions-from-python#1490644
¶ Objc library
¶ Bridge.m access via ctypes
(data)[source]¶ Sends msgpack data to the ENBridge instance by calling the processEvents method via ctypes.
¶ Add a target to a UIControl that invokes a python callback
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addTarget': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a4071d50>, 'bridge': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a3fb6b90>, 'objc': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a3fb6af0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.app'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.app'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'displayView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a4071ef0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.app'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
An iPhone implementation of an Enaml Native BridgedApplication.
An IPhoneApplication uses the native iOS widget toolkit to implement an Enaml UI that runs in the local process.
Since Objective-C can easily use the Python C-API, much if this classes implementation is done directly. For instance, the AppEventListener API is implemented directly in Objective-C (in Bridge.m) and invokes methods on this directly.
¶ AppDelegate widget
¶ ViewControler
¶ ENBridge
¶ Pixel density of the device Loaded immediately as this is used often.
= {'__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fb6370>, '_bridge_last_scheduled': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fb69b0>, '_bridge_max_delay': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fb6910>, '_bridge_queue': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a411eec0>, '_counter': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a4061730>, '_dev_session': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a3fb67d0>, '_heap_lock': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a40617d0>, '_task_heap': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a4431ad0>, 'app_delegate': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fb6cd0>, 'bridge': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fb6e10>, 'debug': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fb6690>, 'dev': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3fb6730>, 'dp': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fb6eb0>, 'keep_screen_on': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fb6f50>, 'load_view': <atom.scalars.Callable object at 0x7fb6a3fb65f0>, 'loop': <atom.instance.Instance object at 0x7fb6a3fb6870>, 'plugins': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3fb6a50>, 'resolver': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a4061690>, 'state': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fb64b0>, 'style_sheet': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a444d8f0>, 'view': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a3fb6550>, 'view_controller': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fb6d70>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.app'¶
= ()¶
¶ A value of type bool.
enamlnative.ios.bridge module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on June 21, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)-
(obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Arguments must be packed according to the kwargs passed and the signature defined.
= dict_proxy({'pack_args': <function pack_args>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ObjcMethod' objects>, '__module__': 'enamlnative.ios.bridge', '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ObjcMethod' objects>, '__doc__': " Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, \n this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a \n bridge in Objc.\n\n To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method \n matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the \n signature should be defined as follows:\n\n 1. The first argument, if any, should be a string.\n 2. Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available\n `subnames` and their types.\n\n For instance:\n\n UIView `insertSubview` has the following signatures:\n\n - (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view\n atIndex:(NSInteger)index;\n\n - (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view\n aboveSubview:(UIView *)siblingSubview;\n\n - (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view\n belowSubview:(UIView *)siblingSubview;\n\n This is defined in python like:\n\n insertSubview = ObjcMethod('UIView',\n dict(atIndex='NSInteger',\n aboveSubview='UIView',\n belowSubview='UIView'))\n\n Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs\n\n view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3)\n view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)\n\n "})¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.bridge'¶
¶ list of weak references to the object (if defined)
(arg)[source]¶ Bases:
The superclass implementation is sufficient
= dict_proxy({'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ObjcProperty' objects>, '__module__': 'enamlnative.ios.bridge', '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ObjcProperty' objects>, '__doc__': ' The superclass implementation is sufficient\n\n '})¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.bridge'¶
¶ list of weak references to the object (if defined)
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Description of a callback method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, it fires the connected callback. This is triggered when it receives an event from the bridge indicating the call has occured.
(obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Subclasses should implement this to pack args as needed for the native bridge implementation. Must return a tuple containing (“methodName”, [list, of, encoded, args])
= 'enamlnative.ios.bridge'¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
A proxy to a class in java. This sends the commands over the bridge for execution. The object is stored in a map with the given id and is valid until this object is deleted.
Parameters: __id__ (Int) – If an __id__ keyward argument is passed during creation, this will assume the object was already created and only a reference to the object with the given id is needed. -
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.bridge'¶
¶ A value of type unicode.
By default, plain strings will be promoted to unicode strings. Pass strict=True to the constructor to enable strict unicode checking.
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.factories module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on May 20, 2017
@author: jrm
enamlnative.ios.uikit_activity_indicator module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Properties
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'activityIndicatorViewStyle': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdce60>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'color': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcd98>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'startAnimating': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3a10>, 'stopAnimating': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3ae0>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_activity_indicator'¶
= ()¶
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Initialize the state of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just after the ‘create_widget()’ method is called. This method should init the state of the widget. The child widgets will not yet be created.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fce2d0>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce370>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_activity_indicator'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_button module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 25, 2017
@author: jrm
A member which allows tuple values.
If item validation is used, then assignment will create a copy of the original tuple before validating the items, since validation may change the item values.
The superclass implementation is sufficient
The superclass implementation is sufficient
The superclass implementation is sufficient
The superclass implementation is sufficient
The superclass implementation is sufficient
Type Enum
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object.
Initialize the state of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just after the ‘create_widget()’ method is called. This method should init the state of the widget. The child widgets will not yet be created.
Note: This does NOT initialize text properties by default!
enamlnative.ios.uikit_control module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 25, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Properties
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a callback method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, it fires the connected callback. This is triggered when it receives an event from the bridge indicating the call has occured.
= 1¶ UIControlEvents enum
= 2¶
= 4¶
= 8¶
= 16¶
= 32¶
= 64¶
= 128¶
= 256¶
= 4096¶
= 8192¶
= 65536¶
= 131072¶
= 262144¶
= 524288¶
= 4095¶
= 983040¶
= 251658240¶
= 4026531840¶
= 4294967295¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 4¶
= 8¶
= 16711680¶
= 4278190080¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'addTarget': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3d50>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'contentHorizontalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3690>, 'contentVerticalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe35c8>, 'enabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3370>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'highlighted': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3500>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'onClicked': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3e20>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'selected': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3438>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setFont': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3c80>, 'text': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcf28>, 'textAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe31e0>, 'textColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3118>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_control'¶
= ()¶
(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
A UiKitControl helper class.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Initialize the state of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just after the ‘create_widget()’ method is called. This method should init the state of the widget. The child widgets will not yet be created.
Note: This does NOT initialize text properties by default!
= {'_children': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a43c02f0>, '_d_engine': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a44900f0>, '_d_storage': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a4490230>, '_flags': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a4490c30>, '_parent': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a444a190>, 'activated': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a437eeb0>, 'align_self': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca5f0>, 'alpha': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fc8870>, 'animate': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc87d0>, 'animations': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fc8730>, 'background_color': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3fc8910>, 'bottom': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8d70>, 'clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8230>, 'clicked': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8550>, 'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a3fada60>, 'destroyed': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a444a410>, 'enabled': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc80f0>, 'flex_basis': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca690>, 'flex_grow': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca730>, 'flex_shrink': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca7d0>, 'focusable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8370>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f6bf50>, 'gravity': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8af0>, 'height': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8a50>, 'initialized': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a44904b0>, 'key_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc85f0>, 'key_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8410>, 'left': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8b90>, 'long_clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc82d0>, 'margin': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca0f0>, 'max_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8eb0>, 'max_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fca050>, 'min_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8e10>, 'min_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8f50>, 'name': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a44905f0>, 'padding': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca230>, 'position': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca550>, 'proxy': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fca870>, 'right': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8cd0>, 'top': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8c30>, 'touch_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8690>, 'touch_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc84b0>, 'visible': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8190>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f6bcd0>, 'width': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc89b0>, 'x': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca370>, 'y': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca410>, 'z': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca4b0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_control'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_edit_text module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 25, 2017
@author: jrm
(root, attr, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 3¶
= 4¶
= 5¶
= 6¶
= 7¶
= 8¶
= 9¶
= 10¶
= 11¶
= 1¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb370>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__root__': <atom.instance.Instance object at 0x7fb6a3ffb690>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_edit_text'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Properties
¶ Callback
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 3¶
= {'': 0, 'bezel': 2, 'line': 1, 'rounded_rect': 3}¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'addTarget': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3d50>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'borderStyle': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3cd0>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'contentHorizontalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3690>, 'contentVerticalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe35c8>, 'enabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3370>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'highlighted': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3500>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'onClicked': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3e20>, 'onValueChanged': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3f74120>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'placeholder': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3c08>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'selected': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3438>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setFont': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3c80>, 'text': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcf28>, 'textAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe31e0>, 'textColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3118>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_edit_text'¶
= ()¶
(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
= {'_children': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a43c02f0>, '_d_engine': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a44900f0>, '_d_storage': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a4490230>, '_flags': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a4490c30>, '_parent': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a444a190>, 'activated': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a437eeb0>, 'align_self': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca5f0>, 'alpha': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fc8870>, 'animate': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc87d0>, 'animations': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fc8730>, 'background_color': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3fc8910>, 'bottom': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8d70>, 'clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8230>, 'clicked': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8550>, 'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a3fada60>, 'destroyed': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a444a410>, 'enabled': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc80f0>, 'flex_basis': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca690>, 'flex_grow': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca730>, 'flex_shrink': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca7d0>, 'focusable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8370>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f6bf50>, 'gravity': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8af0>, 'height': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8a50>, 'initialized': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a44904b0>, 'key_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc85f0>, 'key_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8410>, 'left': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8b90>, 'long_clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc82d0>, 'margin': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca0f0>, 'max_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8eb0>, 'max_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fca050>, 'min_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8e10>, 'min_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8f50>, 'name': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a44905f0>, 'padding': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca230>, 'position': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca550>, 'proxy': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fca870>, 'right': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8cd0>, 'top': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8c30>, 'touch_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8690>, 'touch_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc84b0>, 'visible': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8190>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f73870>, 'width': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc89b0>, 'x': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca370>, 'y': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca410>, 'z': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca4b0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_edit_text'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_flexbox module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Adds yoga as a nested object
¶ A value of type unicode.
By default, plain strings will be promoted to unicode strings. Pass strict=True to the constructor to enable strict unicode checking.
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3f845f0>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_flexbox'¶
= ()¶
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit layout created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the ‘init_widget()’ method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the ‘widget’ attribute.
()[source]¶ Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fce2d0>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f84690>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_flexbox'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_linear_layout module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
From: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uistackview?language=objc
¶ Properties
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= 0¶
= 1¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addArrangedSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f74050>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'axis': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3d98>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertArrangedSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f741f0>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeArrangedSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f742c0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_linear_layout'¶
= ()¶
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit layout created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Create the layout widget for arranging child proxy objects.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the ‘init_widget()’ method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the ‘layout’ attribute.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f849b0>, 'layout': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f84a50>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce230>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_linear_layout'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_progress_view module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
From: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview?language=objc
¶ Properties
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'progress': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3f28>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setProgress': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f74390>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_progress_view'¶
= ()¶
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Initialize the state of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just after the ‘create_widget()’ method is called. This method should init the state of the widget. The child widgets will not yet be created.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fce2d0>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f84af0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_progress_view'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_scroll_view module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Properties
¶ Added by UIScrollView+AutoResize
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'contentSize': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90050>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'fitToContents': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f74460>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_scroll_view'¶
= ()¶
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit layout created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fce2d0>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f8c910>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_scroll_view'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_slider module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 25, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Properties
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Methods Works but then doesn’t let you change it
¶ Callbacks
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'addTarget': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3d50>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'contentHorizontalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3690>, 'contentVerticalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe35c8>, 'continuous': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90370>, 'enabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3370>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'highlighted': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3500>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'maximumValue': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f902a8>, 'minimumValue': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f901e0>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'offImage': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90820>, 'onClicked': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3e20>, 'onImage': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90758>, 'onTintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90500>, 'onValueChanged': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3f74600>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'selected': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3438>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setFont': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3c80>, 'setValue': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f74530>, 'text': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcf28>, 'textAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe31e0>, 'textColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3118>, 'thumbTintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90690>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f905c8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'value': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90438>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_slider'¶
= ()¶
(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
= {'_children': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a43c02f0>, '_d_engine': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a44900f0>, '_d_storage': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a4490230>, '_flags': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a4490c30>, '_parent': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a444a190>, 'activated': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a437eeb0>, 'align_self': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca5f0>, 'alpha': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fc8870>, 'animate': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc87d0>, 'animations': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fc8730>, 'background_color': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3fc8910>, 'bottom': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8d70>, 'clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8230>, 'clicked': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8550>, 'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a3fada60>, 'destroyed': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a444a410>, 'enabled': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc80f0>, 'flex_basis': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca690>, 'flex_grow': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca730>, 'flex_shrink': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca7d0>, 'focusable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8370>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f6bf50>, 'gravity': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8af0>, 'height': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8a50>, 'initialized': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a44904b0>, 'key_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc85f0>, 'key_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8410>, 'left': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8b90>, 'long_clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc82d0>, 'margin': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca0f0>, 'max_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8eb0>, 'max_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fca050>, 'min_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8e10>, 'min_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8f50>, 'name': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a44905f0>, 'padding': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca230>, 'position': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca550>, 'proxy': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fca870>, 'right': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8cd0>, 'top': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8c30>, 'touch_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8690>, 'touch_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc84b0>, 'visible': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8190>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f8cd70>, 'width': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc89b0>, 'x': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca370>, 'y': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca410>, 'z': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca4b0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_slider'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_switch module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 25, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Properties
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Methods Works but then doesn’t let you change it
¶ Callbacks
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'addTarget': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3d50>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'contentHorizontalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3690>, 'contentVerticalAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe35c8>, 'enabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3370>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'highlighted': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3500>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'offImage': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90c08>, 'on': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90118>, 'onClicked': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3e20>, 'onImage': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90b40>, 'onTintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f908e8>, 'onValueChanged': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3f747a0>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'selected': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3438>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setFont': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3c80>, 'setOn': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3f746d0>, 'text': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcf28>, 'textAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe31e0>, 'textColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3118>, 'thumbTintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f90a78>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3f909b0>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_switch'¶
= ()¶
(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
= {'_children': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a43c02f0>, '_d_engine': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a44900f0>, '_d_storage': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a4490230>, '_flags': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a4490c30>, '_parent': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a444a190>, 'activated': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a437eeb0>, 'align_self': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca5f0>, 'alpha': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fc8870>, 'animate': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc87d0>, 'animations': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fc8730>, 'background_color': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3fc8910>, 'bottom': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8d70>, 'clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8230>, 'clicked': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8550>, 'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a3fada60>, 'destroyed': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a444a410>, 'enabled': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc80f0>, 'flex_basis': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca690>, 'flex_grow': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca730>, 'flex_shrink': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca7d0>, 'focusable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8370>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f6bf50>, 'gravity': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8af0>, 'height': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8a50>, 'initialized': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a44904b0>, 'key_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc85f0>, 'key_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8410>, 'left': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8b90>, 'long_clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc82d0>, 'margin': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca0f0>, 'max_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8eb0>, 'max_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fca050>, 'min_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8e10>, 'min_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8f50>, 'name': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a44905f0>, 'padding': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca230>, 'position': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca550>, 'proxy': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fca870>, 'right': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8cd0>, 'top': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8c30>, 'touch_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8690>, 'touch_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc84b0>, 'visible': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8190>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f8ce10>, 'width': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc89b0>, 'x': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca370>, 'y': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca410>, 'z': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca4b0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_switch'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_text_view module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ A member which allows tuple values.
If item validation is used, then assignment will create a copy of the original tuple before validating the items, since validation may change the item values.
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f6bd70>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_text_view'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Common text items
¶ Properties
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 3¶
= 4¶
= {'': 4, 'center': 1, 'justified': 3, 'left': 0, 'natural': 4, 'right': 2}¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setFont': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3c80>, 'text': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcf28>, 'textAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe31e0>, 'textColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3118>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_text_view'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'numberOfLines': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe32a8>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'setFont': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3c80>, 'text': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcf28>, 'textAlignment': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe31e0>, 'textColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe3118>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_text_view'¶
= ()¶
(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
= {'_children': <atom.list.List object at 0x7fb6a43c02f0>, '_d_engine': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a44900f0>, '_d_storage': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a4490230>, '_flags': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a4490c30>, '_parent': <atom.scalars.Value object at 0x7fb6a444a190>, 'activated': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a437eeb0>, 'align_self': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca5f0>, 'alpha': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fc8870>, 'animate': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc87d0>, 'animations': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fc8730>, 'background_color': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3fc8910>, 'bottom': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8d70>, 'clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8230>, 'clicked': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8550>, 'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a3fada60>, 'destroyed': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a444a410>, 'enabled': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc80f0>, 'flex_basis': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca690>, 'flex_grow': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca730>, 'flex_shrink': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca7d0>, 'focusable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8370>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f6bf50>, 'gravity': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8af0>, 'height': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc8a50>, 'initialized': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a44904b0>, 'key_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc85f0>, 'key_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8410>, 'left': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8b90>, 'long_clickable': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc82d0>, 'margin': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca0f0>, 'max_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8eb0>, 'max_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fca050>, 'min_height': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8e10>, 'min_width': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8f50>, 'name': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a44905f0>, 'padding': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fca230>, 'position': <atom.enum.Enum object at 0x7fb6a3fca550>, 'proxy': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fca870>, 'right': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8cd0>, 'top': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3fc8c30>, 'touch_event': <atom.event.Event object at 0x7fb6a3fc8690>, 'touch_events': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc84b0>, 'visible': <atom.scalars.Bool object at 0x7fb6a3fc8190>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3f6be10>, 'width': <atom.coerced.Coerced object at 0x7fb6a3fc89b0>, 'x': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca370>, 'y': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca410>, 'z': <atom.scalars.Float object at 0x7fb6a3fca4b0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_text_view'¶
= ()¶
¶ A Typed which delays resolving the type definition.
The first time the value is accessed or modified, the type will be resolved and the forward typed will behave identically to a normal typed.
¶ A member which allows tuple values.
If item validation is used, then assignment will create a copy of the original tuple before validating the items, since validation may change the item values.
enamlnative.ios.uikit_toolkit_object module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on May 20, 2017
@author: jrm
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the ‘init_widget()’ method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the ‘widget’ attribute.
()[source]¶ Initialize the state of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just after the ‘create_widget()’ method is called. This method should init the state of the widget. The child widgets will not yet be created.
()[source]¶ Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called.
()[source]¶ A reimplemented destructor.
This destructor will clear the reference to the toolkit widget and set its parent to None.
()[source]¶ Get the parent toolkit widget for this object.
Returns: result – The toolkit widget declared on the declaration parent, or None if there is no such parent. Return type: ObjcBridgeObject or None
()[source]¶ Get the child toolkit widgets for this object.
Returns: result – The child widgets defined for this object. Return type: iterable of ObjcBridgeObjects
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce0f0>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_toolkit_object'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_view module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a callback method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, it fires the connected callback. This is triggered when it receives an event from the bridge indicating the call has occured.
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 4¶
= 8¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_view'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_view'¶
= ()¶
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
From: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview?language=objc
¶ A value which allows objects of a given type or types.
Values will be tested using the PyObject_TypeCheck C API call. This call is equivalent to type(obj) in cls.mro(). It is less flexible but faster than Instance. Use Instance when allowing heterogenous values and Typed when the value type is explicit.
The value of a Typed may be set to None
¶ Properties
The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Methods
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb870>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'addObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc32c0>, 'addSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3530>, 'alpha': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc118>, 'backgroundColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9f28>, 'bounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc9b0>, 'bringSubviewToFront': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3600>, 'center': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdca78>, 'clearsContextBeforeDrawing': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc500>, 'clipsToBounds': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc438>, 'exchangeSubviewAtIndex': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3940>, 'exclusiveTouch': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc820>, 'frame': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc8e8>, 'hidden': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc050>, 'insertSubview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3870>, 'layoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcc08>, 'maskView': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc5c8>, 'multipleTouchEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc758>, 'observeValueForKeyPath': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcCallback object at 0x7fb6a3fc3460>, 'opaque': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc1e0>, 'preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdccd0>, 'removeFromSuperview': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc37a0>, 'removeObserver': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3390>, 'sendSubviewToBack': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc36d0>, 'tintAdjustmentMode': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc370>, 'tintColor': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc2a8>, 'transform': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdcb40>, 'userInteractionEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fdc690>, 'yoga': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce190>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_view'¶
= ()¶
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
¶ Frame in (x,y,width,height)
()[source]¶ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the ‘init_widget()’ method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the ‘widget’ attribute.
()[source]¶ Initialize the underlying widget.
This reads all items declared in the enamldef block for this node and sets only the values that have been specified. All other values will be left as default. Doing it this way makes atom to only create the properties that need to be overridden from defaults thus greatly reducing the number of initialization checks, saving time and memory.
If you don’t want this to happen override get_declared_keys to return an empty list.
()[source]¶ Get the members that were set in the enamldef block for this Declaration. Layout keys are grouped together until the end so as to avoid triggering multiple updates.
Returns: result – List of keys and values Return type: List of (k,v) pairs that were defined for this widget in enaml
()[source]¶ Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called.
(child)[source]¶ Handle the child added event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method.
(child)[source]¶ Handle the child removed event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method.
()[source]¶ A reimplemented destructor.
This destructor will remove itself from the superview.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3fce2d0>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce230>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_view'¶
= ()¶
enamlnative.ios.uikit_view_group module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
[source]¶ Bases:
An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
¶ A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
()[source]¶ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the ‘init_widget()’ method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the ‘widget’ attribute.
()[source]¶ Create the layout widget for arranging child proxy objects.
This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the ‘init_widget()’ method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the ‘layout’ attribute.
()[source]¶ Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called.
(child)[source]¶ Handle the child added event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method.
(child)[source]¶ Handle the child removed event from the declaration.
The child must be both removed from the arrangement and removed normally.
= {'declaration': <atom.typed.ForwardTyped object at 0x7fb6a4103eb0>, 'frame': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3f849b0>, 'layout': <atom.instance.Instance object at 0x7fb6a3f84910>, 'widget': <atom.typed.Typed object at 0x7fb6a3fce230>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.uikit_view_group'¶
= ()¶
¶ A member which allows tuple values.
If item validation is used, then assignment will create a copy of the original tuple before validating the items, since validation may change the item values.
enamlnative.ios.yoga module¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
(root, attr, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ The superclass implementation is sufficient
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
¶ Description of a method of a View (or subclass) in Objc. When called, this serializes the call, packs the arguments, and delegates handling to a bridge in Objc.
To keep method calling similar to Swift instead of defining a method matching the signature with underscores like pyobjc and pyobjus the signature should be defined as follows:
- The first argument, if any, should be a string.
- Subsequent arguments should each be a dictionary of the available subnames and their types.
For instance:
UIView insertSubview has the following signatures:
This is defined in python like:
- insertSubview = ObjcMethod(‘UIView’,
- dict(atIndex=’NSInteger’,
- aboveSubview=’UIView’, belowSubview=’UIView’))
Doing it this way it can be called like Swift, using kwargs
view.insertSubview(subview, atIndex=3) view.insertSubview(subview, aboveSubview=above_view)
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 3¶
= 4¶
= 5¶
= 6¶
= 7¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 3¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 3¶
= 4¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= 0¶
= 1¶
= 2¶
= {'column': 0, 'column_reverse': 1, 'row': 2, 'row_reverse': 3}¶
= {'nowrap': 0, 'wrap': 1, 'wrap_reverse': 2}¶
= {'center': 1, 'flex_end': 2, 'flex_start': 0, 'space_around': 4, 'space_between': 3}¶
= {'baseline': 5, 'center': 2, 'flex_end': 3, 'flex_start': 1, 'stretch': 4}¶
= {'center': 2, 'flex_end': 3, 'flex_start': 1, 'space_around': 7, 'space_between': 6, 'stretch': 4}¶
= {'auto': 0, 'baseline': 5, 'center': 2, 'flex_end': 3, 'flex_start': 1, 'stretch': 4}¶
= {'__app__': <atom.instance.ForwardInstance object at 0x7fb6a4103f68>, '__bridge_id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb2d0>, '__callbacks__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb4b0>, '__id__': <atom.scalars.Int object at 0x7fb6a3ffb730>, '__nativeclass__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb370>, '__prefix__': <atom.scalars.Unicode object at 0x7fb6a3ffb5f0>, '__root__': <atom.instance.Instance object at 0x7fb6a3ffb690>, '__signature__': <atom.tuple.Tuple object at 0x7fb6a3ffb550>, '__suppressed__': <atom.dict.Dict object at 0x7fb6a3ffb410>, 'alignContent': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe9d98>, 'alignItems': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe9e60>, 'alignSelf': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe9f28>, 'applyLayoutPreservingOrigin': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc31f0>, 'borderBottomWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9758>, 'borderEndWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd98e8>, 'borderLeftWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9500>, 'borderRightWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9690>, 'borderStartWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9820>, 'borderTopWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd95c8>, 'borderWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd99b0>, 'bottom': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7758>, 'display': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7118>, 'end': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd78e8>, 'flexBasis': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7438>, 'flexDirection': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe9c08>, 'flexGrow': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd72a8>, 'flexShrink': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7370>, 'flexWrap': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd71e0>, 'height': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9b40>, 'isEnabled': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe9b40>, 'justifyContent': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fe9cd0>, 'left': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7500>, 'margin': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7e60>, 'marginBottom': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7c08>, 'marginEnd': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7d98>, 'marginLeft': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd79b0>, 'marginRight': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7b40>, 'marginStart': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7cd0>, 'marginTop': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7a78>, 'markDirty': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcMethod object at 0x7fb6a3fc3120>, 'maxHeight': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9e60>, 'maxWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9cd0>, 'minHeight': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9d98>, 'minWidth': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9c08>, 'overflow': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7050>, 'padding': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9438>, 'paddingBottom': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd91e0>, 'paddingEnd': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9370>, 'paddingLeft': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7f28>, 'paddingRight': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9118>, 'paddingStart': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd92a8>, 'paddingTop': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9050>, 'right': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7690>, 'start': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd7820>, 'top': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd75c8>, 'width': <enamlnative.ios.bridge.ObjcProperty object at 0x7fb6a3fd9a78>}¶
= 'enamlnative.ios.yoga'¶
= ()¶
Module contents¶
Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on May 20, 2017
@author: jrm