Source code for enamlnative.ios.uikit_edit_text

Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Aug 25, 2017

@author: jrm

from atom.api import Typed
from enamlnative.widgets.edit_text import ProxyEditText

from .bridge import ObjcMethod, ObjcProperty, ObjcCallback, NestedBridgeObject
from .uikit_control import UIControl, UiKitControl

[docs]class UIKeyboard(NestedBridgeObject): UIKeyboardTypeDefault = 0 UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable = 1 UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation = 2 UIKeyboardTypeURL = 3 UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad = 4 UIKeyboardTypePhonePad = 5 UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad = 6 UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress = 7 UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad = 8 UIKeyboardTypeTwitter = 9 UIKeyboardTypeWebSearch = 10 UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapableNumberPad = 11
UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet = UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable
[docs]class UITextField(UIControl): """ """ #: Properties placeholder = ObjcProperty('NSString') #: borderStyle = ObjcProperty('enum') # UITextBorderStyle #: Callback onValueChanged = ObjcCallback('NSString') UITextBorderStyleNone = 0 UITextBorderStyleLine = 1 UITextBorderStyleBezel = 2 UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect = 3 STYLES = { '': UITextBorderStyleNone, 'line': UITextBorderStyleLine, 'bezel': UITextBorderStyleBezel, 'rounded_rect': UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect
[docs]class UiKitEditText(UiKitControl, ProxyEditText): """ An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject. """ #: A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy. widget = Typed(UITextField) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object. """
self.widget = UITextField()
[docs] def init_widget(self): """ Bind the on property to the checked state """ super(UiKitEditText, self).init_widget() #: Init font properties etc... self.init_text() d = self.declaration if d.placeholder: self.set_placeholder(d.placeholder) if d.input_type != 'text': self.set_input_type(d.input_type) if self.set_style( #: A really ugly way to add the target #: would be nice if we could just pass the block pointer here :) self.get_app().bridge.addTarget( self.widget, forControlEvents=UITextField.UIControlEventEditingChanged, andCallback=self.widget.getId(), usingMethod="onValueChanged", withValues=["text"]#,"selected"] )
[docs] def on_value_changed(self, text): """ Update text field """ d = self.declaration with self.widget.get_member('text').suppressed(self.widget):
d.text = text # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProxyEditText API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_selection(self, selection):
[docs] def set_input_type(self, input_type): """ Set keyboard type """ #: TODO...
[docs] def set_style(self, style):
self.widget.borderStyle = UITextField.STYLES[style]
[docs] def set_placeholder(self, placeholder):
self.widget.placeholder = placeholder