Source code for enamlnative.ios.uikit_view

Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Aug 3, 2017

@author: jrm

from atom.api import Typed, Tuple, observe
from enamlnative.widgets.view import ProxyView

from .bridge import ObjcBridgeObject, ObjcMethod, ObjcProperty, ObjcCallback
from .uikit_toolkit_object import UiKitToolkitObject
from .yoga import Yoga

[docs]class NSObject(ObjcBridgeObject): addObserver = ObjcMethod('NSObject', dict(forKeyPath="NSString"), dict(options="NSKeyValueObservingOptions"), dict(context="void*")) removeObserver = ObjcMethod('NSObject', dict(forKeyPath="NSString")) observeValueForKeyPath = ObjcCallback('NSString', dict(ofObject="id"), dict(change="NSDictionary"), dict(context="void*")) NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew = 0x01 NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld = 0x02 NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial = 0x04
NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior = 0x08
[docs]class UIResponder(NSObject):
[docs]class UIView(UIResponder): """ From: """ yoga = Typed(Yoga) def _default_yoga(self): return Yoga(self, 'yoga') #: Properties backgroundColor = ObjcProperty('UIColor') hidden = ObjcProperty('bool') alpha = ObjcProperty('float') opaque = ObjcProperty('bool') tintColor = ObjcProperty('UIColor') tintAdjustmentMode = ObjcProperty('UIViewTintAdjustmentMode') clipsToBounds = ObjcProperty('bool') clearsContextBeforeDrawing = ObjcProperty('bool') maskView = ObjcProperty('UIView') userInteractionEnabled = ObjcProperty('bool') multipleTouchEnabled = ObjcProperty('bool') exclusiveTouch = ObjcProperty('bool') frame = ObjcProperty('CGRect') bounds = ObjcProperty('CGRect') center = ObjcProperty('CGPoint') transform = ObjcProperty('CGAffineTransform') layoutMargins = ObjcProperty('UIEdgeInserts') preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins = ObjcProperty('bool') #: Methods addSubview = ObjcMethod('UIView') bringSubviewToFront = ObjcMethod('UIView') sendSubviewToBack = ObjcMethod('UIView') removeFromSuperview = ObjcMethod() insertSubview = ObjcMethod('UIView', dict(atIndex='NSInteger', aboveSubview='UIView', belowSubview='UIView')) exchangeSubviewAtIndex = ObjcMethod('NSInteger',
dict(withSubviewAtIndex='NSInteger')) #:
[docs]class UiKitView(UiKitToolkitObject, ProxyView): """ An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject. """ #: A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy. widget = Typed(UIView) #: Frame in (x,y,width,height) frame = Tuple() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self): """ Create the toolkit widget for the proxy object. This method is called during the top-down pass, just before the 'init_widget()' method is called. This method should create the toolkit widget and assign it to the 'widget' attribute. """
self.widget = UIView()#initWithFrame=frame)
[docs] def init_widget(self): """ Initialize the underlying widget. This reads all items declared in the enamldef block for this node and sets only the values that have been specified. All other values will be left as default. Doing it this way makes atom to only create the properties that need to be overridden from defaults thus greatly reducing the number of initialization checks, saving time and memory. If you don't want this to happen override `get_declared_keys` to return an empty list. """ super(UiKitView, self).init_widget() = True # Initialize the widget by updating only the members that # have read expressions declared. This saves a lot of time and # simplifies widget initialization code for k, v in self.get_declared_items(): handler = getattr(self, 'set_'+k, None) if handler:
[docs] def get_declared_items(self): """ Get the members that were set in the enamldef block for this Declaration. Layout keys are grouped together until the end so as to avoid triggering multiple updates. Returns ------- result: List of (k,v) pairs that were defined for this widget in enaml List of keys and values """ d = self.declaration engine = d._d_engine if engine: for k, h in engine._handlers.items(): # Handlers with read operations if not h.read_pair: continue v = getattr(d, k)
yield (k, v)
[docs] def init_layout(self): """ Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget. This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called. """ widget = self.widget for child_widget in self.child_widgets():
[docs] def update_frame(self): """ Define the view frame for this widgets""" d = self.declaration if d.x or d.y or d.width or d.height:
self.frame = (d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height)
[docs] def get_app(self): """ Get the app of the View. """ from .app import IPhoneApplication
return IPhoneApplication.instance() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProxyToolkitObject API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def child_added(self, child): """ Handle the child added event from the declaration. This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method. """ super(UiKitView, self).child_added(child) widget = self.widget #: TODO: Should index be cached? for i, child_widget in enumerate(self.child_widgets()): if child_widget == child.widget:
widget.insertSubview(child_widget, atIndex=i)
[docs] def child_moved(self, child): """ Handle the child moved event from the declaration. """ super(UiKitView, self).child_moved(child) #: Remove and re-add in correct spot #: TODO: Should use exchangeSubviewAtIndex self.child_removed(child)
[docs] def child_removed(self, child): """ Handle the child removed event from the declaration. This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses which need more control should reimplement this method. """ super(UiKitView, self).child_removed(child) if child.widget is not None:
[docs] def destroy(self): """ A reimplemented destructor. This destructor will remove itself from the superview. """ widget = self.widget if widget is not None: widget.removeFromSuperview()
super(UiKitView, self).destroy() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProxyView API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @observe('frame') def set_frame(self, change): if self.frame:
self.widget.frame = self.frame
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha):
self.widget.alpha = alpha
[docs] def set_clickable(self, clickable):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_background_color(self, color):
self.widget.backgroundColor = color
[docs] def set_width(self, width): = width
[docs] def set_height(self, height): = height
[docs] def set_padding(self, padding): yoga = yoga.paddingTop = padding[0] yoga.paddingRight = padding[1] yoga.paddingBottom = padding[2]
yoga.paddingLeft = padding[3]
[docs] def set_margins(self, margins): yoga = yoga.marginTop = margins[0] yoga.marginRight = margins[1] yoga.marginBottom = margins[2]
yoga.marginLeft = margins[3]
[docs] def set_top(self, top): = top
[docs] def set_left(self, left): = left
[docs] def set_right(self, right): = right
[docs] def set_bottom(self, bottom): = bottom
[docs] def set_x(self, x): = x
[docs] def set_y(self, y): = y
[docs] def set_z(self, z):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_max_height(self, max_height): = max_height
[docs] def set_min_width(self, min_width): = min_width
[docs] def set_max_width(self, max_width): = max_width
[docs] def set_flex_grow(self, flex_grow): = flex_grow
[docs] def set_flex_basis(self, basis): = int(basis*100)
[docs] def set_flex_shrink(self, flex_shrink): = flex_shrink
[docs] def set_align_self(self, align_self): = Yoga.ALIGN_SELF[align_self]