Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
Created on Aug 3, 2017
@author: jrm
from atom.api import Typed, Tuple, observe
from enamlnative.widgets.view import ProxyView
from .bridge import ObjcBridgeObject, ObjcMethod, ObjcProperty, ObjcCallback
from .uikit_toolkit_object import UiKitToolkitObject
from .yoga import Yoga
[docs]class NSObject(ObjcBridgeObject):
addObserver = ObjcMethod('NSObject',
removeObserver = ObjcMethod('NSObject', dict(forKeyPath="NSString"))
observeValueForKeyPath = ObjcCallback('NSString',
NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew = 0x01
NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld = 0x02
NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial = 0x04
NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior = 0x08
[docs]class UIResponder(NSObject):
[docs]class UIView(UIResponder):
""" From:
yoga = Typed(Yoga)
def _default_yoga(self):
return Yoga(self, 'yoga')
#: Properties
backgroundColor = ObjcProperty('UIColor')
hidden = ObjcProperty('bool')
alpha = ObjcProperty('float')
opaque = ObjcProperty('bool')
tintColor = ObjcProperty('UIColor')
tintAdjustmentMode = ObjcProperty('UIViewTintAdjustmentMode')
clipsToBounds = ObjcProperty('bool')
clearsContextBeforeDrawing = ObjcProperty('bool')
maskView = ObjcProperty('UIView')
userInteractionEnabled = ObjcProperty('bool')
multipleTouchEnabled = ObjcProperty('bool')
exclusiveTouch = ObjcProperty('bool')
frame = ObjcProperty('CGRect')
bounds = ObjcProperty('CGRect')
center = ObjcProperty('CGPoint')
transform = ObjcProperty('CGAffineTransform')
layoutMargins = ObjcProperty('UIEdgeInserts')
preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins = ObjcProperty('bool')
#: Methods
addSubview = ObjcMethod('UIView')
bringSubviewToFront = ObjcMethod('UIView')
sendSubviewToBack = ObjcMethod('UIView')
removeFromSuperview = ObjcMethod()
insertSubview = ObjcMethod('UIView', dict(atIndex='NSInteger',
exchangeSubviewAtIndex = ObjcMethod('NSInteger',
[docs]class UiKitView(UiKitToolkitObject, ProxyView):
""" An UiKit implementation of an Enaml ProxyToolkitObject.
#: A reference to the toolkit widget created by the proxy.
widget = Typed(UIView)
#: Frame in (x,y,width,height)
frame = Tuple()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization API
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.widget = UIView()#initWithFrame=frame)
[docs] def get_declared_items(self):
""" Get the members that were set in the enamldef block for this
Declaration. Layout keys are grouped together until the end so as
to avoid triggering multiple updates.
result: List of (k,v) pairs that were defined for this widget in enaml
List of keys and values
d = self.declaration
engine = d._d_engine
if engine:
for k, h in engine._handlers.items():
# Handlers with read operations
if not h.read_pair:
v = getattr(d, k)
yield (k, v)
[docs] def init_layout(self):
""" Initialize the layout of the toolkit widget.
This method is called during the bottom-up pass. This method
should initialize the layout of the widget. The child widgets
will be fully initialized and layed out when this is called.
widget = self.widget
for child_widget in self.child_widgets():
[docs] def update_frame(self):
""" Define the view frame for this widgets"""
d = self.declaration
if d.x or d.y or d.width or d.height:
self.frame = (d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height)
[docs] def get_app(self):
""" Get the app of the View.
from .app import IPhoneApplication
return IPhoneApplication.instance()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ProxyToolkitObject API
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def child_added(self, child):
""" Handle the child added event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses
which need more control should reimplement this method.
super(UiKitView, self).child_added(child)
widget = self.widget
#: TODO: Should index be cached?
for i, child_widget in enumerate(self.child_widgets()):
if child_widget == child.widget:
widget.insertSubview(child_widget, atIndex=i)
[docs] def child_moved(self, child):
""" Handle the child moved event from the declaration.
super(UiKitView, self).child_moved(child)
#: Remove and re-add in correct spot
#: TODO: Should use exchangeSubviewAtIndex
[docs] def child_removed(self, child):
""" Handle the child removed event from the declaration.
This handler will unparent the child toolkit widget. Subclasses
which need more control should reimplement this method.
super(UiKitView, self).child_removed(child)
if child.widget is not None:
[docs] def destroy(self):
""" A reimplemented destructor.
This destructor will remove itself from the superview.
widget = self.widget
if widget is not None:
super(UiKitView, self).destroy()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ProxyView API
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @observe('frame')
def set_frame(self, change):
if self.frame:
self.widget.frame = self.frame
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha):
self.widget.alpha = alpha
[docs] def set_clickable(self, clickable):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_background_color(self, color):
self.widget.backgroundColor = color
[docs] def set_width(self, width):
self.yoga.width = width
[docs] def set_height(self, height):
self.yoga.height = height
[docs] def set_padding(self, padding):
yoga = self.widget.yoga
yoga.paddingTop = padding[0]
yoga.paddingRight = padding[1]
yoga.paddingBottom = padding[2]
yoga.paddingLeft = padding[3]
[docs] def set_margins(self, margins):
yoga = self.widget.yoga
yoga.marginTop = margins[0]
yoga.marginRight = margins[1]
yoga.marginBottom = margins[2]
yoga.marginLeft = margins[3]
[docs] def set_top(self, top):
self.widget.yoga.top = top
[docs] def set_left(self, left):
self.widget.yoga.left = left
[docs] def set_right(self, right):
self.widget.yoga.right = right
[docs] def set_bottom(self, bottom):
self.widget.yoga.bottom = bottom
self.widget.yoga.left = x
self.widget.yoga.top = y
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_max_height(self, max_height):
self.widget.yoga.maxHeight = max_height
[docs] def set_min_width(self, min_width):
self.widget.yoga.minWidth = min_width
[docs] def set_max_width(self, max_width):
self.widget.yoga.maxWidth = max_width
[docs] def set_flex_grow(self, flex_grow):
self.widget.yoga.flexGrow = flex_grow
[docs] def set_flex_basis(self, basis):
self.widget.yoga.flexBasis = int(basis*100)
[docs] def set_flex_shrink(self, flex_shrink):
self.widget.yoga.flexShrink = flex_shrink
[docs] def set_align_self(self, align_self):
self.widget.yoga.alignSelf = Yoga.ALIGN_SELF[align_self]