Source code for

Copyright (c) 2017, CodeLV.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.

Created on Aug 3, 2017

@author: jrm
from .bridge import NestedBridgeObject, ObjcMethod, ObjcProperty

[docs]class Yoga(NestedBridgeObject): isEnabled = ObjcProperty('bool') flexDirection = ObjcProperty('YGFlexDirection') justifyContent = ObjcProperty('YGJustify') alignContent = ObjcProperty('YGAlign') alignItems = ObjcProperty('YGAlign') alignSelf = ObjcProperty('YGAlign') overflow = ObjcProperty('YGOverflow') display = ObjcProperty('YGDisplay') flexWrap = ObjcProperty('YGWrap') flexGrow = ObjcProperty('CGFloat') flexShrink = ObjcProperty('CGFloat') flexBasis = ObjcProperty('YGValue') left = ObjcProperty('YGValue') top = ObjcProperty('YGValue') right = ObjcProperty('YGValue') bottom = ObjcProperty('YGValue') start = ObjcProperty('YGValue') end = ObjcProperty('YGValue') marginLeft = ObjcProperty('YGValue') marginTop = ObjcProperty('YGValue') marginRight = ObjcProperty('YGValue') marginBottom = ObjcProperty('YGValue') marginStart = ObjcProperty('YGValue') marginEnd = ObjcProperty('YGValue') margin = ObjcProperty('YGValue') paddingLeft = ObjcProperty('YGValue') paddingTop = ObjcProperty('YGValue') paddingRight = ObjcProperty('YGValue') paddingBottom = ObjcProperty('YGValue') paddingStart = ObjcProperty('YGValue') paddingEnd = ObjcProperty('YGValue') padding = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderLeftWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderTopWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderRightWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderBottomWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderStartWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderEndWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') borderWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') width = ObjcProperty('YGValue') height = ObjcProperty('YGValue') minWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') maxWidth = ObjcProperty('YGValue') minHeight = ObjcProperty('YGValue') maxHeight = ObjcProperty('YGValue') markDirty = ObjcMethod() applyLayoutPreservingOrigin = ObjcMethod('bool') YGAlignAuto = 0 YGAlignFlexStart = 1 YGAlignCenter = 2 YGAlignFlexEnd = 3 YGAlignStretch = 4 YGAlignBaseline = 5 YGAlignSpaceBetween = 6 YGAlignSpaceAround = 7 YGDirectionInherit = 0 YGDirectionLTR = 1 YGDirectionRTL = 2 YGDisplayFlex = 0 YGDisplayNone = 1 YGFlexDirectionColumn = 0 YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse = 1 YGFlexDirectionRow = 2 YGFlexDirectionRowReverse = 3 YGJustifyFlexStart = 0 YGJustifyCenter = 1 YGJustifyFlexEnd = 2 YGJustifySpaceBetween = 3 YGJustifySpaceAround = 4 YGOverflowVisible = 0 YGOverflowHidden = 1 YGOverflowScroll = 2 YGWrapNoWrap = 0 YGWrapWrap = 1 YGWrapWrapReverse = 2 FLEX_DIRECTION = { 'row': YGFlexDirectionRow, 'row_reverse': YGFlexDirectionRowReverse, 'column': YGFlexDirectionColumn, 'column_reverse': YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse } FLEX_WRAP = { 'nowrap': YGWrapNoWrap, 'wrap': YGWrapWrap, 'wrap_reverse': YGWrapWrapReverse, } JUSTIFY_CONTENT = { 'flex_start': YGJustifyFlexStart, 'flex_end': YGJustifyFlexEnd, 'center': YGJustifyCenter, 'space_between': YGJustifySpaceBetween, 'space_around': YGJustifySpaceAround } ALIGN_ITEMS = { 'flex_start': YGAlignFlexStart, 'flex_end': YGAlignFlexEnd, 'center': YGAlignCenter, 'baseline': YGAlignBaseline, 'stretch': YGAlignStretch } ALIGN_CONTENT = { 'flex_start': YGAlignFlexStart, 'flex_end': YGAlignFlexEnd, 'center': YGAlignCenter, 'space_between': YGAlignSpaceBetween, 'space_around': YGAlignSpaceAround, 'stretch': YGAlignStretch, } ALIGN_SELF = { 'auto':YGAlignAuto, 'flex_start': YGAlignFlexStart, 'flex_end': YGAlignFlexEnd, 'center': YGAlignCenter, 'baseline': YGAlignBaseline, 'stretch': YGAlignStretch