Enaml-Native updated to NDK r20 with Python 2.7.16 and 3.7.4

August 23, 2019

New builds of python for android using enaml-native were pushed out this week! They're compiled with the latest Android NDK r20 and work on Android Pie v9 (api 29). Using gradle 5.1 and gradle build tools 3.4.2!

Now on with the latest 3.7 version of python!

python 3.7.4 on android

And yes 2.7 is still supported!

python 2.7.16 on android

To get started, make sure your android SDK and NDK are up to date, then update to the latest version of the enaml-native-cli using pip

pip install --user enaml-native-cli

# Then create an app with
# and follow the cookiecutter prompts
enaml-native create app

# Then activate it and run!
cd <your-app>
enaml-native build-android

Want to learn more? Check it out at github.com/codelv/enaml-native/ and github.com/codelv/conda-mobile/

If you run into any issues please let me know!

Happy coding!